
My name is Elena, I have 32 year and I writing you from Russian province. I work in municipal library and I allowed to use computer after my work if possible. Our situation is terrible and I send you this message in despair and hope.

I have little daughter Anghelina, she has 8 years old, her father leaved us and we live with my mother.

Due to economical crisis in our country recently my mother lost job (the shop where she worked is now closed) and our situation became terrible.

Gas and electricity is very expensive in our city and we cannot afford to use it for heating our home anymore.

The winter arriving and weather is very cold here already. We are very worried and we do not know what to do.

The only possibility for us to heat our home is to use portable wood-fire oven which giving heating from burning wood. We have many wood in our region and this oven will be heating all our home during the winter with minimal charges.

Unfortunately, we can not buy this oven in our market because it cost 8134 roubles (equivalent of 191 Euro) and we can not afford it.

In case if you have any old portable fire-wood oven and if you stoped to use it, we will be very grateful if you can donate it for us and organize delivery this oven to our address (195 km from Moscow). This ovens can be different , they can be made from cast iron and weight 100 - 150kg.

I hope to hear from you back.

Elena with my family.




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